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Purpose and Values

Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community.


Our values of professional development, diversity and ethics, service and philanthropy, and scholarship are derived from our purpose and lead to our mission of fostering and supporting a lifelong commitment to excellence in both our personal and professional lives as we seek to make a difference in business, our communities, and the world at large.

Our members enjoy high-quality training, frequent events with business and cultural leaders, opportunities to mentor and be mentored by experts in their fields, and supportive friendships that foster both professional and personal success and fulfillment. Beginning with pledging and continuing throughout a member’s life, Deltasig provides non-stop professional development opportunities.

Professional Development


As the nation’s first co-ed business fraternity, we believe that individuals and organizations benefit from a wide range of perspectives. It is for that reason, and so many more, that we cultivate a culture of respect that broadens our viewpoints and makes us stronger and more effective leaders in our fields. Our training and events focus on fostering respect by developing considered, sound ethical standards that are inclusive yet principled.

Diversity and Ethics


Service to the community is an integral part of the lives of Deltasigs. Through support of cultural and civic organizations, we seek to impact the lives of individuals and families near and far.


Iota DSP has partnered with Habitat for Humanity, Harvesters, Relay for Life, the Ronald McDonald House, Lawrence Humane Society, KU UBC, and the KU Big Event in the past to help give back to our community.

Service and Philanthropy


Delta Sigma Pi was founded on the ideals of studying business in universities and members of Delta Sigma Pi are expected to strive to reach their full scholastic potential. Trying to balance college, family, friends, work, and extracurricular activities can be difficult, but Delta Sigma Pi can help. The Fraternity encourages academic excellence through programming and provides financial assistance through scholarship opportunities.


Through effective programming and recognition, Delta Sigma Pi promotes a culture with a sincere commitment to academic excellence. Scholarship is a value Delta Sigma Pi members exhibit every day and the rewards of good scholarship are more than an impressive grade-point average. In addition to chapter level recognitions, you can be rewarded for your academic success through scholarships made possible by the Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation.


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